Ask Spraywell Specialist
1. Why is Spraywell all-natural?
Spraywell consists of only natural chemical free ingredients including:
i. Compound oils
ii. Water
iii. Gelatine
2. What is the active ingredient?
Cinnamon oil
3. How does Spraywell work?
a. When Spraywell is sprayed onto any surface including fabric, wood, steel, plastic and masonry, the patented eggshell technology attaches and adheres to the surface taking 1-2 hours contact time to activate.
b. Then according the L’Chatelier’s enthalpy principle, when temperature fluctuates during the day, essential oils encapsulated in these eggshells are released as nano-vapours between 10-40microns in size onto the surface and into the surround air.
c. These nano-sized essential oils engulfs the entire host of microbes that could be viruses, bacteria and mould spores to effectively indiscriminately destroys these microbes using the antimicrobial properties of cinnamon oil.
d. Spraywell’s patented slow-release technology has been tested to stay effective for more than 28 days as an antimicrobial agent against viruses, bacteria and mould per application.
e. Spraywell under magnification to show the eggshell releasing nano-vapours of antimicrobial oils.
4. Can Spraywell be washed off?
YES. Spraywell is water soluble and must be applied again after wash for continued protection.
5. What safety tests have been done?
a. Skin Safety Test
b. Respiratory Inhalation Safety Test
c. The active ingredient, cinnamon oil extract (CAS No. 8015-91-6) is an US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) exempted minimum risk pesticide product meaning any product containing this active ingredient alone or in combination have been determined to be of a character not requiring Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, amd Rodenticide Act. (FIFRA) registration.
d. Cinnamon oil (CAS No. 8015-91-6) is determined by US Environmental Protection Agency to be a minimum risk pesticide meaning the active ingredient poses little to NO risk to human health or the environment.
6. Isn’t essential oils toxic for animals?
a. Only in concentrated volumes. Spraywell consists of less that 1:50 oils to water or 2% of essential oils per 100 parts of water.
b. Spraywell has been tested to be skin and inhalation safe for animals.
7. Why is Spraywell effective as a natural fumigant?
a. The active ingredient in Spraywell is cinnamon oil which has been know to be a natural fumigant and deterrent to insects, arachnids, ticks, mites and other bugs.
b. Whilst Spraywell is not an insecticide, it’s active ingredient cinnamon oil has been used for centuries as an effective antibiotic containing fumigant properties to ward off bugs and nasties.
8. Is Spraywell tested effective as fumigant?
a. Repellent activity
b. Testing against mites and mosquitoes in a poultry farm.
c. A picture tells a thousand words which arm is Spraywell protected against bush flies?

9. Is Spraywell tested effectiveagainst viruses?
a. Surface Antiviral Test
b. For weeks airborne antiviral test
10. Is Spraywell tested effective against bacteria?
a. Antibacterial Test
b. Test against Legionnaire Disease bacteria
11. Is Spraywell tested effectiveagainst mould?
Anti mould Anti fungal Test
12. How can I be sure it works?
a. To test if Spraywell works to eradicate microbes like bacteria, mould and viruses the following test was done. Using a certified Hygiena Ensure ATP machine used by food industry, the level adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) was measured represented by relative light units (RLU) before and after SprayWell application. ATP is the energy from live cells from microorganisms, bacteria, viruses or mould. Results below confirm that RLU was reduced from 592 down to 7 demonstrating Spraywell’s effectiveness!

13. What are possible uses of Spraywell?
i. PET SPRAY – Spray on pet cushions, coops, blankets, couches and homes to kill bacteria, mould and germs whilst warding away insects and bugs. Deodorise homes by killing odour causing bacteria.
ii. HOME SPRAY – Spray on curtains, couches, tables, shoes, laundry rooms, blankets and kitchen to provide the best antimicrobial protection against viruses, bacteria, mould and odours
iii. REPEL SPRAY – Spray on garments and body to ward off insects including flies and mosquitoes
iv. PERSONAL SPRAY – Spray on jackets and outer garments to provide an always on always active protection against viruses and bacteria when traveling in public transport, sitting in confined spaces or taking a 10 hours flight to your holiday destination